Research progress of near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging in determination on quality of oilseed and its products
投稿时间:2021-08-20  修订日期:2021-11-11
中文关键词:  近红外光谱  高光谱成像  品质检测  油料  食用油
英文关键词:Near-infrared spectroscopy  hyperspectral imaging  quality detection  oilseeds  edible oil
鞠皓 南京林业大学机械电子工程学院 210037
姜洪喆 南京林业大学机械电子工程学院 
周宏平* 南京林业大学机械电子工程学院 210037
摘要点击次数: 379
全文下载次数: 9
      Oilseed and its products play a vital role in our life, which provide human beings with energy, essential fatty acids and nutrients. The quality of oilseed and its products can affect the economic benefit of enterprise and physical health of people directly. In recent years, near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging technology were widely used in the rapid assessment of quality of oilseed and its products. In this review, the principle and operation process of near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging technology were briefly introduced, and then the applications of this technique in rapid determination on quality of oilseed products were reviewed, including the detection of physicochemical properties, identification and geographical origin traceability of oilseeds, and authentication of edible oils. Moreover, the development prospects of near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging technology in determination of oilseed and its products quality were also anticipated.